Tuesday 27 December 2011

End of Year

Not much cycling was done after my C2C. I had a couple of rides and a successful one on the tandem with Bernie around Morecambe & Lancaster. I have promised to use it more for trips in the new year as it fitted on the car quite well. Apart form that I have kept to riding about once or twice a week
between 15 and 30 miles.

I know that I am only a token rider and have other pastimes that compete for my spare time, but I do make an effort when I'm out. That said, I struggle to manage 50 miles and I am drained the day after. This is holding me back from doing cycling trips and I am now considering whether to change my tyres for some narrower ones or a totally new bike maybe a tricross.

I need to make my mind up as I have decided to try the Way of The Roses route from Morecambe to Bridlington, initially I was going to do it over 3 consecutive Saturdays, but have decided to maybe do it over 3 days at the start of June.

The rest of my spare time had been taken up with kayaking  as well as single trips Nathan and I have had quite a few camping trips.

Me on the River Dee at Eddy lines.

Nathan on the River Tryweryn on one of the camping weekends.

Friday 1 July 2011

Rowlands Gill-Tynemouth

20.7miles  (Total 152.3miles)

Started off from Rowlands Gill and got back on the Derwent walk following the River Derwent were it runs into the Tyne. I crossed the Tyne and followed the Hadrians way cycle route along the North bank of the river Tyne. It was good to see alot of regeneration especially after reading about wastelands, flytipping and masses of broken glass. As I neared the centre I passed bars and coffee houses along the river bank under several bridges including the Millenium bridge.

I also Passed a taped of area were the police diving team were setting up for an unknown reason (unknown because I'm not nosey)

Although today was the shortest and flattest ride of the week, the wind had changed direction and was against me most of the way. Never the less I made it in good time and met Bernie were I was awarded with a finishing T shirt.

After a chocky bar and a drink Bernie and I  went round Tynemouth Castle and Priory: 
Ready for the next challenge!

Thursday 30 June 2011

Day 4   Allenheads-Rowlands Gill           
31.7 miles (Total to date 131.6 miles)

Not so bad today two steep climbs, the first out from Allenheads up Currick about a mile. Photograph and a drink before heading down to Rookhope, downhill all the way.

Just approaching the top of the last  big climb on the route. It was the very steep and rough off road section from Rookhope about a mile up before leveling out and then going across the top of the moors for about 10.5miles.

The weather kept away. I can imagine it being a lot harder ride if it were to turn nasty.

I only passed one person walking down and a few cyclist at Parkhead cafe other than that, I was the only person up there and the only other noise came from a Curlew and a few Lapwings.

By the time I had dropped down to Rowley the moors had given way to a more tree lined route. The signage was not as good along the last stretch but I made good time and met up with Bernie at Rowlands Gill. Looking forward to finishing tomorrow just 19miles to go! Hope to make use of the pool at the hotel before setting off.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 3   Langwathby-Allenheads           With a little detour to Long Meg stone circle
30 miles (Total to date 99.9 miles)
Last night we drove into Keswick for fish n chips and ate them overlooking the lake or should I say "water". Bernie got sunburnt silly girl. Went back to the hotel and had a couple of pints (glass of wine for the lady) and waited outside on the front terrace for the badger to arrive. We were told he normally appears between 11:15 to 11:30 and if there’s no food he kicks off a bit. Anyway he turned up at 11:25  This is the first time I've seen a badger that isn't lying at the side of the road (sadly).

Enroute to Langwathby stopped off at Blencow and took a photo of the Large farmhouse with the renavated pele tower.

Set off from Langwathby and headed up through Little Salkeld to visit Long Meg stone circle. Didn't stay to long as I was thinking about Bernie waiting for me and I had a few hills to get up.

Looking a little out of place at Long Meg stone circle

Riding up to Hartside cafe was not as hard as I was expecting, but it was certainly a tidy hill and a good excuse to stop for a large slice of cake and a cup tea. The next few miles were down hill to Leadgate and then up and down to Garrigill. The ride from Garrigill to Nenthead allmost saw me off (it should have a health warning sign posted,  but maybe it was the cake).
After the very steep 2 mile climb the ride drops briefly down to Nenthead before the next climb up to Black hill (the highest point on the route at just under 2000 ft) it was then a cracking ride with 2 large down hill sections before flattening out in Allenheads where I met Bernie and had some tea before moving on to the next hotel.

Sharing tea with one of the locals in Allenheads

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Day 2   Keswick-Langwathby
32.2 miles (Total to date 69.9 miles)
Well, the day started with typical Lake District weather. Stunning brilliant sunshine and clear blue skies fantastic, all the ingredients for sun burn.  After a cracking full English, I set off direct from the hotel which lies towards the bottom end of Derwentwater hence a couple of extra miles on the trip.
I rode round the centre of Keswick and picked up the route and onto the railpath by the swimming pool with no problem. This part of the route made me want to walk so I could enjoy the secnary.

Looking back near Threlkeld.

Once off the track it was up and down the lanes towards Greystoke were I stopped at the very friendly cafe for tea and cake. Not long after I passed a stunning house on the left which looked like an old ruined fortified farm that had been renovated (should have took a photo).

Cup of tea at Greystoke cafe

I found it quite amusing going straight through the centre of the college and following the route in Penrith went without fault. It was nice to finish the ride with a decent downhill ride after climbing beacon fell and I had no problems on the rest of the route and met Bernie in Langwathby.
We drove back to the hotel about 30 min drive and had a quick change before hiring a tandem Kayak and continued to enjoy the fabulous weather on Derwentwater.
Were going to finish the evening off with a pint (for me) and "and a glasss of wine for the lady" While we eagerly awate the arrival of the resident Badger for his super around 11.30pm.
Bernie & Me in the hotel grounds.

Monday 27 June 2011

Day 1 Whitehaven - Keswick

Day 1   Whitehaven - Keswick

37.7 miles
Got off to a slow start this morning so ended up having some dinner with Bernie in Whitehaven before setting out.

I set off at a decent rate after first dipping my wheel in the sea as tradition has it. The route was well signed and I only had 2 small problems. The 1st being in Lorton after deciding to take the original route that was closed due to collapsed bridges, these are now rebuilt and open. The signs are no longer there and I must have missed a junction. I noticed and picked up another lane that soon got me back on track probably adding ½ a mile in total. The 2nd Was in Keswick as I was looking for the road down the side of Derwent Water to the hotel again I over shot this by a couple of hundred yards before realising. I can’t really put that one down to the route, so in all I think the first day went quite well.
On the route everyone seemed quite friendly; look out for the house selling flapjacks just after turning towards Loweswater in Lamplugh. Not long after this, I saw my first red squirrel which was sat on the lane and tried to out run me for about 30 yards before diving in to the hedgerow.
Loweswater was for me the nicest stretch and the climb from High Lorton towards Winnlatter. I wasn’t quite ready for the climb and it was definitely the worst. The route through Winllater forest was steep and very fast and soon made up for the climb to reach it. No photos other than starting out due to Bernie having the camera (I’ll take it tomorrow).
 I found Bernie sat out at the front of the hotel drawing. She said she was happy to see me as time was getting on. The hotel is in a fantastic location with mountain and lake views. We had an evening meal at the hotel and could not fault the food although it was so easy to be distracted by all the different birds and red squirrels running around just three or four feet away through the window at the dining table. Completely stuffed and looking forward to day 2.

View from our bedroom from one of the windows, yes we have two windows!

View from window 2, Derwentwater, with a little river running in the foreground.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Great Salford Swim

Sunday saw my first proper swim at Salford Quays it was a miserable day weather wise, but I truly enjoyed the whole event. I’d had my feet up since Thursday when I did about 30 lengths in the pool.  I was in the last wave of the day so watched some of the start on telly had some lunch before shooting over to the Quays. We parked up easily and walked around some of the quays, Nathan and I followed the elite men’s race around the course and then I went on to get changed.
I was a bit nervous about not finishing although I knew I could do the distance in the pool and I’ve done a fair amount of swimming in Windermere last year, this was not the pool and wasn’t a leisurely summer dip in a lake a lot of the talk was about how cold the water was. I checked in donned hat and gogs and then had a quick dunk in the water prior to starting.
Well it turned out that the water was around 14c, the wave got started and I must admit it never bothered me at all I was quite comfortable with the temperature. I think maybe braving Windermere previously may have helped and getting regular soakings kayaking.
Bernie and Nathan followed me around; another great attribute to the venue is that it’s great for spectators they can virtually stay in contact with the swimmers all the way around. The water quality was also better than I was expecting. In hindsight I don’t think that anybody who entered would fail as long as they took their time with all the backup facilities and encouragement from the crowd, finishing should be guaranteed.

This is one venue I would recommend if like me you were doing it for the first time. Anyway I finished in 45.46mins so I’m more than happy with that for a first attempt. It’s definitely one up from my 25 yards badge achieved a few years back in junior school.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Two Tandem Trips

Another year older 44 (if I was a celeb it would be 41), last weekend was a nice long one thanks to a certain couple. I had a twenty mile hilly bike ride on Wednesday evening a good half mile swim on Thursday and talked Nathan into a tandem ride on Friday morning before the royal wedding of course.
We did a bit of a loop around Edgeworth Bromley Cross Hawkshaw and Greenmount just a tad over 14 miles averaging 13mph we did hit a new top speed of 42.3mph (more can be achieved ). However we have now made a joint decision not to take corners at more than 28mph as we nearly came a cropper attempting a sharp bend at 36.5mph. It’s a shame because the faster you go downhill determines how far up the next climb you can get before too much effort.  
Still no cycling photos yet its difficult taking snaps at speed of yourself, I need a volunteer
I have my first swim coming up in a couple of weeks so I really need to make an effort. I am doing the Salford quays 1 mile swim it’s part of the great swim series. With this in mind Nathan and I went up to Windermere on Saturday we borrowed a tandem kayak from the club it’s the one on the photo scrolling across the blog (you can see us shooting the weir on the Irwell at burrs.
Anyway the plan was to have a paddle from the slipway near the car ferry towards Belle Island and from there take it in turns to have a swim while the other kept watch in the Kayak. Such a nice day clear blue sunny sky with a not to cold breeze, 3 mins later as we cleared the bay that breeze was not very friendly it was a different  ball game altogether  and took a lot of effort just to get around the top of the island about a mile. Anyhow Nathan had a short swim of about 400-500 metres and I did about 1200-1400 ish so I am quite happy with that.
Be warned anyone thinking of having a swim In Windermere shouldn’t do so unless they have the experience or proper gear the water temp can change dramatically in just a short distance.
My birthday was on Sunday so had a lie in followed by cards and prezzies. Later in the morning I got out on my bike and we still had the wind. Because of the late start I cut the ride a lot shorter than I wanted, 25 miles in total including Holcombe village, Helmshore, Haslingden Grane, and Bromley Cross it seemed at lot nearer 40 miles with the wind which was pretty hairy on the tops. It also gave views of the moorland fires over Belmont.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Accommodation Booked

Right we are then, I was a little behind with plans, however Bernie has now booked accommodation for the two of us and I’m now happy with my current cycling prowess. 
I’m managing a couple of rides a week totalling about 50miles and whenever I can find time slotting in a slightly longer ride 34 plus miles. My longest so far being a pedal back from Blackpool. I clocked that at 44 miles, if I can squeeze a few more in like that I will be more than happy.
 We have also made a slow start on the tandem; Bernie hasn’t been on it this year yet, but having just bought a carrier for it of good old Ebay,  I believe she will. The chain snapped on the first outing with Nathan, but that’s now fixed and we’ve had a couple of short rides on it and still finding it to be great fun. Current top speed on the tandem stands at 39.3mph, there’s potential for a lot more though (Happy days).
We  decided on booking just 2 hotels, one on the west side near Derwent water and the other on the east side in Walsingham.  Bernie will be collecting and dropping me off dependant on distance at the start and end of the day giving us time to explore a little and also for Bernie to benefit more from the hotels rather than constantly packing and unpacking.
We did find that quite a few of the hotels required more than one night stays to book and I would also suggest that if anyone is thinking of doing the C2C with a none cycling partner that they look up customer reviews as some did not come of very favourable, some of the hotels being considered may suit a sweaty tired cyclist but not for someone who is wanting a nice relaxing holiday and keeping a loved one amused with one of their many pastimes.
We have booked 2 nights at http://www.marymounthotel.co.uk and nights 3 and 4 are booked at http://www.manorhousehotel.net/ which is a long way from the route but it suits Bernie and she will be doing the shuttling. Day 5 is a short ride so we will be driving home at the end of the day from Tynemouth. We will report back on the hotels while on route.