Thursday 16 September 2010

It began with a blog post

Hi, Just to introduce the family and myself, I am 43 married with two children. I enjoy Clay shooting, fishing, kayaking,(leisurely river running) walking, running, swimming and cycling, basically anything outdoors. A master of none just enjoy doing them and maybe setting small personal challenges, all should be possible but there's always the unexpected. I'm married (21 years) to Bernie aged 21+. Bernie prefers to watch Nathan and myself get on with our various activities rather than take part herself but she has been known to get involved. Laura 18 on new years eve, happy go lucky and tends to let us just get on with things. Nathan about to turn 15 likes the same things as myself apart from running and cycling unless it's flat or downhill. He's a lot better swimmer than myself and the kayaking seems to be more natural for him than me. The idea of the blog came after deciding to do the coast to coast cycle ride next year. I thought it would be a good way to get Bernie and Nathan involved. Bernie has the job of ride manager ( booking hotels and so on) Nathan the one with the computer knowledge. The intention is to have 1 or 2 training rides yet to be decided on and also post maybe the odd swimming or kayaking trip, for family and friends to follow. I have included a short video of Bernie not wanting to miss out when we went to Black Moss Pot the day we were suppose to be entering the Great North Swim in Windermere that was unfortunately cancelled do to algae.