Tuesday 27 December 2011

End of Year

Not much cycling was done after my C2C. I had a couple of rides and a successful one on the tandem with Bernie around Morecambe & Lancaster. I have promised to use it more for trips in the new year as it fitted on the car quite well. Apart form that I have kept to riding about once or twice a week
between 15 and 30 miles.

I know that I am only a token rider and have other pastimes that compete for my spare time, but I do make an effort when I'm out. That said, I struggle to manage 50 miles and I am drained the day after. This is holding me back from doing cycling trips and I am now considering whether to change my tyres for some narrower ones or a totally new bike maybe a tricross.

I need to make my mind up as I have decided to try the Way of The Roses route from Morecambe to Bridlington, initially I was going to do it over 3 consecutive Saturdays, but have decided to maybe do it over 3 days at the start of June.

The rest of my spare time had been taken up with kayaking  as well as single trips Nathan and I have had quite a few camping trips.

Me on the River Dee at Eddy lines.

Nathan on the River Tryweryn on one of the camping weekends.